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        Interview Tips for the Architectural and Design Sector

        Preparation can make all the difference when attending a job interview and can make you feel more relaxed.  Furthermore, it may have been a while since you last attended an interview and you may not be sure what to expect.  Here are some tips and points you may wish to consider.




        • A hard copy in A3 format is preferred over asking the interviewer(s) to gather around your laptop.
        • Tailor your portfolio for the practice and role you are interviewing with.
        • Ensure your portfolio contains examples of all the stages you have worked at. Don’t assume the interviewer will know you can do something, e.g. detailed design drawings.  They will want you to evidence this.
        • Only include your own work




        • Research the company you are interviewing at. As a minimum, familiarise yourself with their website and projects.  Perhaps consider looking up your interviewer(s) on LinkedIn or they may have a profile page on the company’s website.  Also do other background research.
        • If a job description is available, make sure you are familiar with this. If you have not been provided a job description, don’t be afraid to ask if one is available.
        • Look up in advance your route to get to the interview.
        • Ask if there is anything they wish you to prepare or are expecting to see.
        • Prepare and take a list of three to five questions. This exercise helps you focus on the role prior to the interview and demonstrates to the employer a level of preparation and interest.


        On the Day


        • Dress smart. Ok this is a creative industry and no one is expecting you to arrive in a suit these days but this is still an interview and it shows you have made an effort.  A recruiter can also give you some insight into what the office dress code is.
        • Take two copies of your CV with you.
        • Get to the vicinity of the office in advance to ensure you aren’t late.
        • Arrive 10 minutes early for the interview. This gives you time to sign in, accept a drink and compose yourself.
        • If you are really early, do not be tempted to call up and try and bring your interview forward. They will have planned their schedule around your interview.


        During the Interview


        • Turn off your phone.
        • Be prepared to be asked to present your portfolio.
        • Listen carefully to the questions and don’t be afraid to ask the interviewer to repeat a questions, especially if it contains multiple elements. You may even consider writing a question down.
        • Keep answers on topic and concise. You can also ask at the end of the question for confirmation you have answered it sufficiently if you are unsure.
        • Answer all questions honestly.
        • Ensure you ask your questions. If you aren’t invited to, don’t be afraid to tell them you have some questions you would like to ask.
        • Be polite and respectful, using appropriate language.
        • At the end of the meeting, thank them for their time and consider asking what the next step will be.

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